Genetic Programming II Videotape: The Next Generation

by John R. Koza


Videotape Accompanying the 1994 Book
Genetic Programming II: Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs

Published by The MIT Press

Published 1994

The 1994 book Genetic Programming II: Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs extends the results of John Koza's groundbreaking work on programming computers by means of natural selection, described in this first book, Genetic Programming. This videotape provides an explanation of automatically defined functions, the hierarchical approach to problem solving by means of genetic programming with automatically defined functions, and a visualization of computer runs for many of the problems discussed in Genetic Programming II. These problems include symbolic regression, the parity problem, the lawnmower problem, the bumblebee problem, the artificial ant, the impulse response problem, the minesweeper problem. the letter recognition problem, the transmembrane problem, and the omega loop problem.

Published by The MIT Press
Published 1994

Last updated August 3, 2003

· The home page of Genetic Programming Inc. at

· For information about the field of genetic programming in general, visit

· The home page of John R. Koza at Genetic Programming Inc. (including online versions of most papers) and the home page of John R. Koza at Stanford University

· Information about the 1992 book Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection, the 1994 book Genetic Programming II: Automatic Discovery of Reusable Programs, the 1999 book Genetic Programming III: Darwinian Invention and Problem Solving, and the 2003 book Genetic Programming IV: Routine Human-Competitive Machine Intelligence.

· For information on 3,198 papers (many on-line) on genetic programming (as of June 27, 2003) by over 900 authors, see William Langdon’s bibliography on genetic programming.

· For information on the Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines journal published by Kluwer Academic Publishers

· For information on the Genetic Programming book series from Kluwer Academic Publishers, see the Call For Book Proposals

· For information on annual GECCO conference (which includes the annual GP conference) on June 26–30, 2004 (Saturday – Wednesday) in Seattle, visit the International Society for Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (ISGEC).

· For information on the annual Euro-Genetic-Programming Conference to be held on April 5-7, 2004 (Monday – Wednesday) at the University of Coimbra in Coimbra Portugal, visit